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If there were only the beach, that would be enough. It’s a lovely beach, 新月形的苍白沙滩让位给蓝绿色的太平洋, backed by Monterey cypress, 它们的叶子被沿海的风吹扁成了宽大的扇形. But Carmel Beach isn’t the only star of the petite Monterey County city. Rather, it’s an ensemble cast of charms that make Carmel-by-the-Sea 这是一个迷人的目的地——一个值得称道的地方 Travel + Leisure’s “11 Best Small Towns in America.”

Art and History in Carmel

Officially incorporated in 1916, 长期以来,卡梅尔(通常简称为卡梅尔)一直对艺术家和作家有着巨大的吸引力. 最早的居民包括作家玛丽·奥斯汀, Sinclair Lewis, and Jack London, 是谁在地震后为了这块飞地的波西米亚魅力逃离了旧金山. Poet Robinson Jeffers, arriving with his wife in 1914, called the town “our inevitable place,” and built his stone Tor House现在周末开放旅游,可以俯瞰大海. 丰富的创造力历史在今天留下了印记 Carmel is home to nearly 100 galleries 展出了从19世纪印象派到当代艺术家的作品,这些作品不仅来自金州, but from all over the world. 收藏1870年至1950年加利福尼亚早期绘画作品, stop by Karges Fine Art. Carmel Fine Art Gallery,位于街对面,也提供了那个时代加利福尼亚作品的精选.

Carmel’s Eclectic Homes (and a Unique Address System)

命名房屋的传统——也许是其文学历史的遗迹——在卡梅尔保留了下来, 在那里,看起来像格林兄弟(Brothers Grimm)里的花园小屋,坐落在地中海庄园和现代牧场旁边. 建筑师休·康斯托克在20世纪20年代创造了童话般的美学, and 21 of his originals remain, including the Tuck Box, a quaint café that specializes in afternoon tea. (Another quirk here is that the city does not use street addresses. 商业和住宅的位置被确定为“圣卡洛斯街”. at 9th Ave.” or on “Carmelo St., three houses south of Ocean Ave.”)

Where to Taste Wine and Dine in Carmel

一旦你掌握了不寻常的街道地址,是时候关注财富了 local wines. Explore the town’s excellent tasting room scene by following the Carmel-by-the-Sea Wine Walk; the free digital guide provides details, 独家品酒体验,有时甚至在11个品酒室奖品, including KORi WinesDe Tierra VineyardsScheid Vineyards, and Manzoni Cellars.

那些寻找更丰盛食物的人找不到更好的地方了——卡梅尔海边每平方英里就有大约60家餐厅, 这使它成为全美餐馆最多的小城市之一, and it’s also home to more Michelin-recognized restaurants than any other city in Monterey County (Chez Noir and Aubergine have both been awarded a coveted star). A few other standouts include Cultura Comida y Bebida, 在那里,像熏猪肉鼹鼠和chapulines(用酸橙和盐调味的烤蚱蜢)这样的瓦哈卡菜最适合搭配39种mezcals, and La Bicyclette, where the vibe is pure French bistro. 六月初是体验这一切的特别好时机,因为它带来了为期一周的假期 Carmel-by-the-Sea Culinary Week, which offers tasting events, curated menus, 还有30多家参与活动的餐厅提供特别优惠. 

More Things to Do in Carmel

随着餐馆,艺术画廊,和啜饮的地方,卡梅尔村是迷人的 boutiques 它甚至拥有历史使命和最先进的表演艺术中心. Browse fancy pens at Bittner这里有一家专门从事写作艺术的商店,或者在那里买一种独特的蜡烛 Wicks & Wax. 您可以自助游览历史悠久的圣卡洛斯博罗梅奥德卡梅洛教堂, more commonly known as Carmel Mission, which dates back to 1770. If you’re jonesing for a show, the Sunset Cultural Center它建于1926年,是一所公立学校,其美丽的现代哥特式外观和戏剧性的内部被改造成一个具有卓越音响效果的表演大厅. Drop by to see a performance, 可以是单口喜剧,也可以是摇滚乐队, a play, dance, 或者听蒙特利交响乐团(Monterey Symphony)激动人心的音乐会 calendar).

Outdoor Fun in and Around Carmel

但最能定义加州这片地区的是原始环境, and that means venturing out. Navigate 17-Mile Drive by car or bike, 停下来沉思那棵几个世纪以来一直依附在一块岩石上的孤独的柏树. Play a round at Pebble Beach, the No. 1 public golf course in the country, book a surf lesson, or make for Point Lobos State Reserve在那里,水肺潜水员和皮划艇运动员与斑海豹和海獭共享水域. 当一天快结束的时候,和你的爱人一起去欣赏太平洋上的日落 canine companion, and ponder why it is you don’t live here. 

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